Canada’s Role in Industries of War and Peace
A featurette documentary by Amy Miller (2009)

Canada: the global good guy? Let's examine that claim. This essential introduction to geopolitics and profits, from NATO to Afghanistan via Kosovo, takes a different approach to peacekeeping, the military, and development. 'Myths for Profit: Canada's Role In Industries of War and Peace' challenges conventional narratives and raises all sorts of questions. By delving into the complex interplay between Canadian foreign policy, military industrial complex, and international relations, the film encourages viewers to critically examine the nation's role on the global stage. An entertaining and well-argued documentary, it invites audiences to question the motivations behind Canada's foreign interventions and to consider the consequences of its actions. It's a thought-provoking film that challenges the simplistic notion of Canada as a benevolent global actor. This documentary is a must-watch for anyone seeking a more nuanced understanding of Canada's role in the world.
Watch here:
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